Friday, February 25, 2011


Yesterday starts the beginning of Carnivale. When Michael told me Bosa hold Carnivale I thought “YES, Cotton candy, merry go rounds and American Hotdogs.” Wrong. There will be no clowns walking around or obese hicks chomping down a turkey leg. Bosa holds a extremely cherished event that last one week. Today was not the first day, but the day when people get excited about it and begin preparations. Children got to leave school and parade through the main street banging on whatever then could to make “music”. Their faces have black ash all over them like the chimney cleaner in Mary Poppins. Little Nihima struck me with ash on the face and was then able to color all over my face. It gave me the 5 o’clock shadow I have always desired, if I were a werewolf. Carnivale starts late this year on Thursday the 3rd of March. From information gathered from the host family, there is a story that is chosen each year. From that story people will dress up and go out each night in the streets and party. Saturday the 5th, my birthday, is supposedly the craziest of the nights. On the last night of the 8th people dress in all black in the morning. When I say dress I mean men wear women’s dresses and try to look like old hags begging on the street. At night everyone switches to all white and goes out for one last night of chaos. I am not much of a birthday person, but I guess if you are gonna celebrate it, you might as well have it be memorable. Last year I was in New Zealand in Rotarua, the egg smell capital of the world. As more information comes along to me, I will update about it. Be prepared for some pictures. From what I have heard children under 18 should probably not see them.
Moral of the story, calm waters run deep, calmer water don’t run at all.

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