Sunday, February 13, 2011

Punching Pasta

Just a couple nights ago Michael and Silvia rented Karate Kid. The newest one with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. I had already watched it twice; once in Vietnam and once at home. I was tricked, I thought maybe there would be a different ending. Like Jaden was actually gonna lose. No, I was sadly mistaken. I had hope still that since I had transferred to yet another continent that maybe they had made alterations. Again I was horribly disappointed. DAMN YOU JACKIE CHAN for teaching him to backflip kick on one leg in only a few months. I bring this huge introduction and reference for a really weak purpose. In the movie Mr. Chan says “too much of a good thing is bad”. Ready for the punch line to tie it all together…He has never had Silvia’a pasta. Yep, all that introduction just to bring it back to the food. I kind of fell bad for you, but that feeling has already passed. But I must say, We have pasta at least 1 time a day and I don’t think I will ever be able to be tired of it. It is just heaven on my taste buds. Tonight though we are getting something new and I am a little worried. I know because everything she makes has a hint of heaven with a squeeze of unbelievable, but we will see what she pulls out tonight. LIVER. When I heard the dinner choice, I thought wait isn’t that an organ in the body that is filters. There is nothing like eating a cleaning agent of the body. YUM…Sure the animal isn’t using it anymore, but what is wrong with the other parts of the body, like the thigh, or the rib, maybe just the fillet mignon(that’s a body part right?)…
Time Passing…
I have had the dinner and my conclusion is that Silvia could take any food and make it a great meal. Why did they have to show me the preliminary meat before the cooking though? It was covered in blood and probably still trying to filter. I asked for a medical report to see if this animal drank alcohol or did hard drugs. I didn’t need any surprises. Funny fact, they don’t do that with animals...The taste was relatively normal since it was sloshed around in onions for quite a while and served with a canopy of onions as well. The texture is what surprised me. It kind of melts in your mouth, but not in a good way. It wasnt M&Ms melting(I would have liked that). Either way, it was ok to eat and I am not going to doubt her anymore.

Moral of the story, eat your veggies…except beats, those are just gross

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