Monday, February 7, 2011

The Itch

I got the itch. Not the good kinda itch, like the itch to go to the beach or to eat junk food. I got the worst kinda itch, the pre-cold itch. The past couple days Kurt has had a cold and has not been tendering like he should have. Regardless of how well protected I stayed from him and how healthy I tried to stay, it was inevitable for me to inherit the virus.

Of course though, my Italian hostess with the mostest has her remedies and solves all problems. Or so she says. After it was announced at morning tea that I had the early stages of "the cold", she became Hussien Bolt and sprinted to get her cure all bottle. She told me to squeeze it down my throat, bit try not to hit the tongue, it would taste good. So I took the droplet and did as she said. Now, this remedy is bee hive extract. She says it is what bees use to cover the cells in their hive. Why of course that makes sense that a cell wall will scratch my throat itch. This did more then scratched. It burned, stung, poisoned, stabbed and mutilated my itch. I don't think they use the wall building material she said was in it. It tasted more like liquid be stingers. Each molecule giving me a nice big hello I am here sting. I assume it works because nothing that bad tasting can't not work. She repeated this at the end of the day again with much reluctance on my part. We will see tomorrow if what she supplied is actually what the doctor ordered. But in all honesty thanks to Silvia. She has taken great care of me and I only jest. She has become my other mother here. 

Moral of the story, if you bite the had that feeds you, take out a good chunk, cause you don't know when you will eat next. 

1 comment:

  1. lmaoo poor baby!
    Hopefully it's just painful because the virus is dying off
