Friday, February 11, 2011

See Spot Run?

A funny thing hit me today as I was watching Silvia play with her two dogs. I saw her speaking to them and them not responding. In my head I was thinking, I dont blame you guys, I dont know what she is saying either. That look that dogs give when you talk to them and they tilt their head from one side to the other, like altering their crown will change your frequency to dog language. I am pretty sure at times when an Italian speaks to me and expects more then a smile and nod, I must be doing the exact same tilt. A little to the left and I swear he will turn into english. But then I realized, every dog in the world doesnt know english. If I am in Slovenia and a dog came up to me(I would run away because it is a Slovenian dog), he wouldnt know “sit”. After many minutes of trying to make this rabied mutt take a load off I would attribute it to stupidity. Right now you are saying to yourself either “Brian, I am never reading your blog again because that is dumb, of course they knows english”, or “Makes sense, I never thought of that, maybe I will see if my dog knows French”. Either way, I think my epiphany completely makes my trip a success.
On a continued higher note, I am nearly 100% better. Head ache, gone. Neck stiffness, gone. Throat crap, gone. The nostril waterfall, still flowing strong. Last night I tried to sleep on my side as I always do. But when that happens, of course the nasal cloggers deside to have a little dance party in just one of your nose holes, then when you switch, they party hop to the next hole. As frusterating as a dog that doesnt know english.  But like I said, by tomorrow I should be back to work and singing “Dont worry, Be Happy”
A preview of a future coming blog comes from a Lio. She writes
“Long time reader, first time writer. Brian this is a two part question. What kind of woman do you like (giggles)? The next is, Do you have any songs that have had an impact on you this trip? Or keep you going, or something is Sardinia?”
I can give an answer to the first question. You know I dont discriminate against women, I am an equal opprotunity lover. Second, I will have to answer in a more in depth blog. I actually pretty much need time to go thru my ipod and pick things out.

Moral of the story, dont stand down wind of a race hourse.

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