Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can You Hear Me???

As promised I have given much thought to my music selection going on and I think to start it off I am going to give an example of what I am working with to see if it can apply to my life in any way. So I will take the first five songs on my random shuffle list and list them with a lyric that is in there. I have don’t this before and it did not turn out how I liked. Let’s hope for a better outcome. And mom, I am sorry but I don’t think that Elvis is going to be making it into this list. Unless I go to jail then we can play jailhouse rock, but don’t worry,  I will be dancing.

Hootie and the Blowfish – Go Blind -  Every time I look at you I go blind. I hope this doesn’t happen on this trip. Nothing against blind people brailing my blog, I just don’t think I would wear it well.( just lost half of my readers)
Michael Jackson – Thriller – Their out to get you, as demons close in on every side. I REALLY hope this doesn’t happen to me, ever. As a matter of fact it’s time to lock all doors, windows, grab a large wooden stick and get a tazer.
Billy Joel – Lullabye – Goodnight my angle it’s time to close your eyes and save these questions for another day. This one kind of works. I am in bed at midnight writing this wondering if I can save this question for tomorrow. Depends on the next song.
Shakira – Hips Don’t Lie – My hips don’t lie, I am starting to feel you boy. It is true my hips do not lie. They are pretty pure when it comes to telling truth. And my hips are telling me there is no one near me to feel. 4 out of 5 is not doing well.
Fugees – Killing Me Softly – Strumming my pain with his fingers. NO.

There are songs artists that I listen to on my iPod during work that I can hear over and over again. These songs  help me keep my mood up when doing some of the mundane work. A song like “Lay Lady Lay” is a beautiful song that also has a special place in my heart during this trip. The ever so classic “Hakuna Matata” can be applied in nearly every situation. Nearly any Paul Simon song, Sting, Kings of Leon, Eric Hutchinson, or Disney will really get me singing along with pure enthusiasm. Recently I was listening to the Bosa Radio station. There was a song that played that really was fantastic. A man singing Italian, a woman singing English, acoustics in the back ground. Even though I didn’t know what most the song was about, I could feel the pain being felt. Once I find it, I will post it. I don’t know if that will make it to my travel songs, but it will be special to Bosa.
If you have any suggestions on songs to download please list em off for me. Always looking to expand my library.

Moral of the story, Just do it… and if you don’t want to, Just don’t do it.

1 comment:

  1. Bri! You already have one of the best libraries ever!
