Monday, February 21, 2011


I was sitting with my computer open contemplating what to write about on this day. What came to me…I am hungry, I have to go to the bathroom, why is this song in my library, and finally YOGA. For the past few weeks I have been taking Silvia’s yoga class that she offers on Wednesdays. This class takes place in a small cold room with 4 or 5 other older women and moi. When the women walked in and saw me I swear they were looking at a ghost. I asked Silvia what happened and it turns out men don’t usually take the class and they were a bit taken back. The women do not mind that I join them. One elderly woman actually has taken a fancy to me. If it is not Wednesday, sometimes I get to get a 1 on 1 session with SIlvia where she gets to work out my bad spots(everywhere). Now I believe it takes a real special kind of person to do yoga. I don’t think it is just for anyone to take part in. Let us go over some personality characteristics it takes to be a yogi.
1 Voluntarily subjecting your body to pain. Luckily I don’t have to pay, but most people are giving top dollar to feel pain and be told that it is good.
2 Willing to learn to breath. Most of my life I think I have perfected the art of breathing. I started pretty early in my life and have been holding strong with it ever since. There were some times when I lost my breathe, but don’t worry I got it back. I haven’t quite figured out the technique of breathing under water, but above ground I thought I was doing alright. Turns out there are different ways then in the nose/out the nose.
3 Distortions. People have to be ok with bending their bodies in ways that in most cases are not flattering. Fat rolls will plop out, butts will appear bigger, general unathleticism  will blossom out. Sure you think the people around you are concentrating on breathing and their bodies, but you can be damn sure they are checking you out too.
4 Public flatulence. Yep, it is common for people to let loose some gas during some of those real tough stretches. I am guilty of this, but by acting like you are coughing can make you feel like you have successfully hidden your butt burp.
I jest about yoga, but it has help loosen out some tight spots. I have done yoga on and off for a few years and I usually feel best when on. Another way to thank Silvia.

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