Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good Day To You Too

I have built up my confidence over the past week greeting people. It is now common place to go out of the way to smile and greet every single person that walks on the same street as I. Well, except the old women that look like they are sucking on sour patch kids and are carrying a brick in their bag to beat you with. It was today that made me realize what it was that attracted me to this language. They utilize the sexiness of words. “What in the world do you mean Brian?” Well, I mean that nearly every word they use utilizes depth and bass in the voice. Just the words Boun Giorno. The Boun starts it off strong with a nice reverberating Adams apple. It uses the Barry White everyone has in them. Giorno is like an echo in the Grand Canyon. The no at the end is the cat and mouse game men and women play. Yes means no, no means yes, and Giorno means lets get sexy. Now imagine each word having this beauty and grace. It is like foreplay to my ears. It is not fair for harsh languages like Russian or crazy sounds like Thai. Even English pales in comparison to the lust that Italian supplies.
Unfortunately I have not been able to show my face about town to give my daily greetings. The weather has been such that we cannot work or walk about. Strong winds and any rain makes us witches of the west. A drop and we melt. I have been given a good chance to count the hairs on my chin(not many), read a book(falling asleep mostly), and contemplate philosophical questions(who can beat superman). During this time of reflection something interesting is about to occur. My roommate Kurt told me that he is looking to move on to the next Help Exchange pretty soon. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was slightly happy about this. He means well and does good things for the hosts, but our personalities clash a bit. He has his way and I have mine. I told Michael and Silvia I am here until they kick me out. Of course I am going to take weekend trips to different countries but Bosa will be my home to stay.
In the near future I will be probably getting a new flat mate. I am having fears of the characters that could be residing in this town. What if the person is a monster from the Swamp Thing? Or worse, some goods looking woman. Dear god help me. Cross your fingers that it is someone I will like.

Moral of the story, don’t accuse the Hulk of cheating…


  1. I agree, Italian does use some sexy words. One of my personal favorites: Succhiami il cazzo! Ora! Works every time. WTF!!

  2. I tried it. I dont know what the desired reaction was suppose to be, but now my cheek hurts
